
what we do - offsites

Need to bring your team together to align on vision? We offer leadership summits and offsites as a live in-person experience for teams to connect, build trust, and align on vision & strategy, facilitated by leaders who’ve been there.

Our Approach

Bring people together with purpose

In our distributed, across time zones, always on-the-go world, it’s become more important than ever to meet in person. But you have to make it count. We spend time understand the ups and owns of your organization to ensure we create an experience everyone benefits from.

No slides, real conversations

We believe time in person is critical to strengthen connections and align on strategic topics. That’s why we design in-person events with interactions in mind: we remove the screen and focus on the real stuff.

Co-created with you top to bottom

We partner with you to understand your needs and context, draft solutions, and refine them until satisfaction. It is critical we stay connected to create a unique experience that resonate with your particular company culture. Once we are clear on the plan, we stay in communication with you throughout. We run the show, but you are never blindsided.

We can handle the touchy subjects

We love enhancing already great team dynamics, but we also know how to bring out and get team members to discuss the tough topics. We use a tough-love approach when necessary, balancing vulnerability and psychological safety, with risk-taking and assertiveness. If your organization needs a bit of love, we ensure we are in lockstep before, during, and after the event.

What you get:

Full agenda and content designed to meet your objectives

1-3 days of highly interactive and dynamic facilitation

Guidance before, during, and after the event to ensure success

What your
Leaders get:

Meaningful in-person time together

Strengthened relationships and deeper trust

Thinking time to nail down goals and set a plan in motion

Here’s what our client said:

From the outset, it was clear that The Hybrid Way possessed a deep understanding of the challenges facing my leadership team. We are a globally distributed team, working across multiple time zones, diverse cultures, and a wide range of partners. The Hybrid Way customized a solution for our specific needs, which meant everything was relevant and on point.

The session itself created the space for us to pause and reflect, as a leadership team, amidst relentless change. People appreciated taking this time, and said they felt a greater sense of alignment and cohesion after these discussions. Niamh’s expertise and engaging delivery style kept our attention, using a blend of interactive exercises and sharing materials to take back and use with our teams.

As a result of working with The Hybrid Way, I can see a noticeable shift in my team's approach to communication and collaboration. Specifically, how we focus on staying aligned on vision and strategy. You gave us concrete tools for shared accountability and as a result, we have been more committed to working on the process, pulse-checking how we’re doing, and course-correcting when needed. Thank you!

Matthieu Laporte, Global VP of SMB at Aleph Group - Ireland

  • It typically varies between 1 and 3 days, inclusive of all activities within and outside our control (e.g. dinner, outdoor team building activities). We partner with you to create the event based on your needs, budget, and timing requirements. If time is short, we look at alternatives such as a day in person together, followed by 1 or 2 online sessions.

  • You tell us! We’ve created leadership experiences ranging from an intimate group of 15 up to a leadership summit for 250+ regional leaders. We design the experience with your audience and business goals in mind, but even with large groups, we keep our interactive and dynamic approach.

  • This is the beauty of bringing people together to have meaningful conversations. Sometimes a topic we thought would take 30 mins, needs a lot more time to unpack because it impacts folks in different ways. We get it. We build space for emergent thinking in our design, and we adapt in the moment - maybe we’ll allocate time to dive deeper, maybe we’ll push the conversation to later if not critical or only important for a few folks. Whatever happens, we check in with you to ensure we are spending time on the most important topics.

we’ve got the answer’s to your questions