Our mission: help build outstanding work cultures driven by empowering leaders.

about us

what we believe

Great leaders make the world a better place. They take care of their employees and build environments where everyone can thrive — all while driving business results.

Our Why

We ask so much of our leaders. We expect them to be empathetic, inclusive, transparent, engaging both online and in person. We want them to be courageous, confident, inspiring, kind. Yet, they still exist to manage resources and deliver results.

Being a leader is a game of paradoxes. You need to keep everyone engaged while dealing with hairy scenarios. Yet, few receive adequate training for the lose-lose situations they will inevitably encounter.

The tough calls. The hard conversations. The unpopular decisions. We are here to change that.

Leaders have an outsized impact on the business and the people they lead. It’s time to equip them with the tools so that everyone can do their best work.

Meet the team

  • Niamh [Neev]


  • François [France-wah]


Our Partners

Our Values

  • Appreciate Difference

    We understand and value difference. We embrace diversity of thought and want everyone’s voice to be heard. Inclusion fosters engagement, new perspectives, and innovation.

  • Embrace the tough stuff

    The tough stuff is where we shine. Being challenged is what builds our resilience, giving us the courage to be bold. In hard times, we choose to look at the bright side.

  • Explore possibilities

    We are lifelong learners who value curiosity. We strive to understand the why, seek divergent perspectives, and question assumptions.

  • Sprinkle some sparkle

    Playfulness and delight are core to what we do. We aim to make people’s hearts go boom. We add that little bit of je-ne-sais-quoi to make your experience extra special.

our proven path

Paving the Way for
Great Leaders

The Hybrid Way is a direct route to impactful leadership. It’s about combining seemingly opposite approaches to answer the challenges of today’s workplace.

We invite leaders to embrace leadership paradox:

Whole person

Bring your whole self to work. Embrace work-life integration, where the complexities of life coexist with work, enriching both personal and professional growth.


Nurture your people while tackling challenges head-on. Create an environment for everyone to flourish, without shying way from the hard conversations and difficult decisions.

Business Impact

Adopt an enterprise mindset to avoid silos and stay connected. Bring everyone along with a strong sense of direction. Drive success by aligning everyone and executing at speed.