
what we do - Coaching

Need someone to bounce ideas off, talk through that tricky issue you’re facing, or help bring order to chaos? We’ve got you.

Our Approach

We’ve been in your shoes

We’ve worked in fast-paced tech environments where conflicting priorities and ambitious demands are the norm. We know what it's like to try to make it all work, and the costs of trying to do it all.  We speak your language.

It all starts with you

You can’t lead effectively if you’re not getting the support you need. We listen with empathy, partner with curiosity, and challenge assumptions to help you gain the clarity you need to take meaningful action.

Real talk. No BS

We provide a confidential, neutral space where you can unpack hairy challenges free from judgment. Be yourself and say what you really think. We will too.

1:1 Coaching

Personalized Coaching Sessions

Each session is tailored to individual needs, focusing on your most pressing needs. Our coaches all come with more than 20 years of experience in the tech world and beyond.

Real-Time Feedback and Support

Benefit from immediate feedback and strategies to tackle current challenges. Our coaches provide support for specific issues like managing high-stakes projects or leading through change.

Long-Term Development Planning

Work together to create a long-term professional development plan, aligning your career aspirations with industry needs and personal strengths.

What you get:

Increased Self-Awareness: Coaching asks you to put yourself under the microscope, as much as the issues you are wranging with.

Confidence in Leadership: Greater confidence in your leadership abilities, deeper understanding of your strengths, values, and purpose

Practical Tools and Strategies: A toolkit of practical strategies you can apply directly in work (and life!) from prioritization to career planning, from managing up to managing burnout.

Clarity on Career Path: A clearer understanding of your career trajectory and the steps needed to achieve your goals, whether it’s getting promoted or excelling in your current position.

Success Stories

  • Confidentiality is paramount in our coaching sessions. We provide a safe, neutral space for you to explore challenges and opportunities freely. Everything discussed in sessions remains strictly confidential between you and your coach. We are happy to sign an NDA of any other legally binding document as needed.

  • This varies depending on your needs and goals. We recommend starting with a series of 6 sessions to ensure meaningful progress, but we can customize the length of the engagement to suit your preferences.

  • We offer both online and in-person coaching sessions, depending on your preference and location. Our coaches are flexible and can adapt to the format that works best for you.

  • Anyone who has done meaningful work with a coach will tell you that the benefits are both personal and professional. We can use tools such as 360 reviews, or soliciting peer/direct report feedback to measure change and impact. We also recommend a self-assessment before and after the coaching engagement to reflect on progress and learning.

we’ve got the answers to your questions