Bold Leadership: Empowering Change from Within

What we do

We understand your challenges

Sh*t’s not getting done

Leaders are not setting direction for their teams. Competing priorities make it hard to focus.

Employee engagement is low

Leaders are not motivating their teams. They’re damaging trust and relationships.

Hard conversations are not happening

Leaders are too nice. They’re shying away from the tough stuff.

Efforts are scattered

Leaders are not connecting the dots for their teams. They’re not working with the larger business in mind.

How we tackle these challenges

  • Short answer: Very! We typically aim for ~30% teaching, 70% interacting. We build our content around practical scenarios, reflection, and group activities.

    Long answer: Allow us to nerd out a bit ;-) There are 3 key ingredients to creating meaningful interaction: 1) a strong understanding of the audience’s needs, 2) relevant content without fluff, 3) next-level facilitation that draws you in, using storytelling techniques, leveraging participant expertise, and expert management of group dynamics. We will design with all of this in mind, and check with you to make sure we are spot on.

  • Customized design is always an iterative process. We meet with you, learn about your needs, and agree on a timeline using this 4-step process:

    1. Listen: We ask questions to determine your needs
    2. Co-Create: We design the experience in partnership with you
    3. Engage: We deliver interactive, dynamic content
    4. Impact: We debrief on outcomes and plan next steps

  • It’s difficult to provide a figure without context, since everything we do is custom designed to client needs. With that said, we use a flat fee model for workshops, offsites, and coaching - meaning that we charge by session, not by number of participants.

    For custom leadership programs or a combination of services: once we have a good understanding of your needs, we’ll come back to you with a proposal including 2-3 price options we believe would help solve your challenges.

we’ve got the answers to your questions