Leadership Programs

what we do - leadership programs

Equip your leaders with skills for today’s workplace, from the fundamentals to more advanced moves. We listen to your needs and custom-design leadership programs that align to your culture, values and mission.

Our Approach

Design for where your company is at

Leadership development doesn’t work in a vacuum. It works when aligned with the systems that guide day-to-day behaviors - e.g. performance management, feedback cycles, rewards and incentives. We spend time getting to know your challenges, your audience, as well as the supports you currently have in place, to best design targeted solutions that will land.

Translate your company values into daily habits

We work with you to identify and convert leadership expectations into day-to-day behaviors. Whether or not you’ve defined leadership expectations, we’ll work with you to identify behaviors leaders in your company should exhibit. It all comes back to understanding your company values and designing around it.

Balance empathy and tough-love

Leading people is hard work, and people managers need to know which levers to pull at the right time. Empathy and tough-love go hand-in-hand, it’s not one or the other - this is key to handling the demands of today’s workplace. We help your leaders walk that fine line with grace and honesty.

Keep your leaders accountable

We work with you on the best approach to roll out your leadership initiatives and ensure participants make progress. We connect our leadership programs to your communication plans, HR policies, and company rhythms.

What you get:

A fully custom interactive session - We build it for you, pilot the initial sessions, and train your facilitators to deliver it going forward. All content is yours to keep.

First-hand insights from the trenches. We help you define the best rollout approach, tie the program to your company values, and ensure it fits with your other initiatives.

What your
Leaders get:

Concrete tools and strategies for leading people day to day

Clarity on how to drive results regardless of where the team is located

Ability to build trust, give feedback, and manage conflict day in, day out

Here’s what our client said:

When we realized we needed expert support in upleveling our management group, my first call was to the Hybrid Way and they have more than delivered. They are true domain experts of leadership development, yet are incredibly flexible and made a strong investment in understanding our unique culture and challenges. The result has been a strategy and supporting content that has had strong positive reviews and a hunger for more. They are a true delight to work with and consistently deliver best-in-class work and results!

Landis Coutzoukis, Director of Engineering Enablement, DoorDash

Success Stories

  • Yes! We design the program using your company brand guidelines. All training materials we develop (e.g. decks, handouts, activities) are yours to keep. You can modify it in the future as you see fit.

  • Both. We work with you to decide on the format that works best for your audience and business goals. We’ve designed multi day in-person programs as well as interconnected weekly online sessions.

  • We advise you on the approach, and can provide support in determining a learning evaluation strategy that works best for you to track behavioural change.

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