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Leadership for growth
in turbulent times.

Customized leadership development programs. We empower leaders to achieve results and become exceptional people managers.

Trusted by: Square, Google, Sandbox AQ, Doordash, Axonius

our way

Whole Person. Tough-Love. Business Impact.

We've led globally distributed teams in hypergrowth companies, and we've helped hundreds of leaders to lead successful teams through uncertain times. Through it all, we’ve learned that strong leadership requires a combination of seemingly opposite approaches to answer the challenges of today’s workplace.

Our approach? Embody leadership paradox: embrace empathy while being assertive, support inclusiveness while achieving results.

We work side by side with you to spark powerful change for your leaders and the teams they lead.

what we do

Leaders are your greatest asset - especially in times of change and turbulence. They scale your culture, attract and retain top talent, handle tough situations with tact, and motivate people when the chips are down. Give them the right toolkit to succeed.

what our clients have said

Success Stories